Sunday Service
Sundays at 10:00 AM
Saturday Prayer
Saturdays at 9:00 AM
Our Mission
Lost people found.
Found people mentored.
Mentored people equipped.
Equipped people engaged.
Latest Sermon:
What Do I
Really Need
Latest Sermons
A Path To Discipleship
How to use the video player: Current Series: In order of most recent to oldest. In the top left-hand corner of the video player, you can navigate to sermons from previous weeks.Completed Series: In order of first to last. In the top left-hand corner of the video...
Repent | We Might Be Here Longer Than You Think
How to use the video player: Current Series: In order of most recent to oldest. In the top left-hand corner of the video player, you can navigate to sermons from previous weeks.Completed Series: In order of first to last. In the top left-hand corner of the video...
Vision Sunday
How to use the video player: Current Series: In order of most recent to oldest. In the top left-hand corner of the video player, you can navigate to sermons from previous weeks.Completed Series: In order of first to last. In the top left-hand corner of the video...
Sunday Experience
Receive the Promise.
Experience Freedom.
Change the World.
Whoever you are, you will be encouraged by our passionate worship team, relevant and creative presentations of the Gospel, and life-changing prayer times that will challenge and empower you. You will notice that New Life is very modern, up-beat, and fun; but, more importantly, we are a Christ-centered church. We invite you to come as you are, leave different than you came, and expect the unexpected.
Sunday Experience
Receive the Promise.
Experience Freedom.
Change the World.
Whoever you are, you will be encouraged by our passionate worship team, relevant and creative presentations of the Gospel, and life-changing prayer times that will challenge and empower you. You will notice that New Life is very modern, up-beat, and fun; but, more importantly, we are a Christ-centered church. We invite you to come as you are, leave different than you came, and expect the unexpected.