Small Groups

Small groups have one, simple purpose: to bring people together. We believe God created us to live in relationship with others and only then can we live the full life He intends for us. Sharing life through community is part of our design, but meaningful relationships aren’t always easy to find. That’s why small groups exist—to make these life-changing relationships relevant and accessible to you.

God created us for community. We live out community in small groups and throughout our lives together. Come and make new friends!

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Previous Small Groups

Day 12 | 01.16.2025

Psalms 37:3-34Learning About His Ways—What is affecting my sensitivity to hear Him? "...when Jesus finished commanding His twelve disciples, that He departed from there to teach and to preach in their cities." Matthew 11:1 He comes where He commands us to leave. If...

Day 11 | 01.15.2025

Hebrews 3:7-19The Unsurpassed Intimacy of Tested Faith “Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?'" John 11:40Every time you venture out in your life of faith, you will find something in your circumstances that,...

Day 10 | 01.14.2025

Matthew 7:7-11The Spiritual Search "...what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone?" Matthew 7:9The illustration of prayer that our Lord used here is one of a good child who is asking for something good. We talk about prayer as if...

Day 09 | 01.13.2025

Matthew 5:40-42LifeChanger Weapons "If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet." John 13:14Ministering in Everyday Opportunities. Ministering in everyday opportunities that surround us does not mean that we...

Day 08 | 01.12.2025

John 1:43-51Life Changer Weapons "...when you were under the fig tree, I saw you." John 1:48Worshiping in Everyday Occasions. We presume that we would be ready for battle if confronted with a great crisis, but it is not the crisis that builds something within us—it...

Day 07 | 01.11.2025

John 5:19-24; Romans 12:1-2Do It Yourself “…bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5Determinedly Discipline Other Things. This is another difficult aspect of the strenuous nature of sainthood. Paul said, according to the...

Day 06 | 01.10.2025

II Corinthians 10:1-6Do It Yourself “...casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God...2 Corinthians 10:5Determinedly Demolish Some Things. Deliverance from sin is not the same as deliverance from human nature. There are...

Real Men, Real Talk

We will be coming together to grow in our faith while building relationship.

Beyond Church Walls

We will partner with various organizations and dedicate one day each month to different service opportunities. These include feeding those experiencing homelessness, fellowship with senior citizens, supporting food pantries and much more. Join us as we serve our community.

Ladies Prayer

Ladies meeting on the first Monday of the month to be fitly joined praying vision over New Life Fellowship and the community.

Miracles in the Parking Lot

We are bringing Jesus to people with drive thru prayer at NLF’s parking lot! We encourage believers to join us to pray for the people of our community.

Married To Jesus

This is about reaching out to single or unmarried woman introducing them to their husband Jesus Christ. We are in the world but we’re not of the world.

Spirit Filled Marriage

Join us as we discuss why a thriving marriage is between a man, a woman and God. You’ll learn how to love each other unconditionally and the real roles of successful husbands and wives.

Faith Walkers…Disciple Up

As men we strengthen our Spiritual and Physical walk with Christ. We encourage one another by walking together and continuing to move forward.

The Workshop

A group of hungry men dedicated to Listening to God, building projects, and working on their relationship with the Lord, with their families, and with themselves.