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Balanced Relationship - Are You Ready?

Balanced Relationship

Are You Ready?

Date: 12th  August  2024

Speaker: Sean Cleary


What is the structure of the relationship between Jesus & His Church after He ascended to His throne in Heaven?

This dynamic still exists today. You and I are the Church. Jesus is the Head; we are the body. Jesus I the Bridegroom; we are the bride. He leads; we follow. He is the masculine; we both collectively and individually operate with Him in our feminine… For guys that might be difficult to wrap our heads around, but it is true none-the-less.

Feminine vs. Masculine

Being able to express both traits well are important to our maturity and development as followers of Jesus. You may never have considered how important it is to adopt traits that are outside of our comfort zone.
Ephesians 5:22-33   NIV
So, MEN, did God assign leadership & masculinity to you for your marriage?
Genesis 3:16-17   NIV
The leader puts the followers’ needs first.

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message?

Balanced Relationship - Part 2

Balanced Relationship

What’s My Part?

Date: 18th  August  2024

Speaker: Sean Cleary


Ephesians 5:22-33   NIV 

For this to work the way God has designed, it requires an understanding of how the relationship between Jesus and the Church function… on one hand God chooses to Love us without control. Instead of forcing us respect Him, Jesus calls us with grace, mercy and patients. Why? Because His goal isn’t compliance, Jesus’ goal for us is our good. He wants us to be the best version of ourselves fully secure in our relationship with Him.

A funny thing happens when we step into our relationship as husband and wife with Leadership & Submission done like Ephesians 3- we get our hearts sewn together and we experience soul/spirit centered peace that we find so fulfilling.



What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message?

Balanced Relationship - Part 3

Balanced Relationship


Date: 25  August  2024

Speaker: Duane Lowe

If we want to maintain a strong healthy active lives, we must fight.
Jesus’ empowering promise to empower us is the only way we’re able to fight successfully. This empowerment is a direct result of our willingness to wholeheartedly receive His Good News and Do It.
Distraction and manipulation are the key tactics for Satan’s lies.
A unified couple, family, community and worldrequire three things from Jesus’ perspective:
1. Unity of The Spirit
Ephesians 4:1
2. Unity of Faith
Ephesians 4:11 
3. Unity of the Brethren
Psalm 133
Ephesians 4:13
4. Unity of Family 
Ephesians 4:14 
From Him, as we unify in Spirit, Faith, as Sons and Family we’re empowered by His Spirit to lead on His behalf for His mission in His name.



What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message?

Balanced Relationship - Part 4

Balanced Relationship

Unity in Spirit

Date: 2nd September  2024

Speaker: Duane Lowe

Pay Attention to How you Hear
Unity in Spirit always has the evidence of the Kingdom of God present, righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 
Luke 16:16 NIV
1 John 2:20-21 KJV
Matthew 6:31-33 NIV 
When Jesus talks about the Kingdom of God, He’s talking about a: 
  1. King, 
  2. His Kingdom 
  3. and His Royal Family. 
Seek First The Kingdom of God! 
Luke 17:20-21 NKJV

Luke 17:20-21 TPT is Covering us! 

Luke 8:16-18 NLT 

Luke 8:16-18 TPT

We must trust Jesus to aid us with our Singleness and balance in Him! 
Our Choice of God or mammon always reflects either: 
  1. One Being Submitted
  2. One Being Subservient 
Satan is so masterful in the art of deception, that when we’re not in Unity with God’s Spirit, easily deceive us and manipulate us into being subservient to his dark spirit. 


What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message?

NXTgen Families!

We haven’t forgotten about our children! We look forward to partnering with you as you step into being pastor of your home. We are here to help you every step of the way.

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Prayer Request

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