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Blessing Or Blesser

Blessing or Blesser


Date: 03 December

Speaker: Duane Lowe


Evident Barriers that I’m after the blessing more than I’m after the Blesser: 
These barriers block our Intimate Fellowship and Connection with Jesus:
1.    Pride – evident shame to be associated with Jesus
2.    Unbelief – Doubting what Jesus says and even that He speaks
3.    Identity Crisis – Ignorant of how Jesus sees us
Luke 12:15-21 NLT
Luke 11:13 KJV
Jeremiah 45:5 NIV
Matthew 7:7 NIV
Am I after the blessing or the blesser?
If we’re seeking great things for ourselves, we need to ask Jesus to fill us with the Holy Spirit Empowerment. IF HE DOES NOT, IT’S BECAUSE WE’RE NOT TOTALLY SURRENDERED TO HIM; THERE’S SOMETHING WE STILL REFUSE TO DO!

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message.


Blessing Or Blesser | Eternal Connection

Blessing or Blesser

Eternal Connection


Date: 10 December 2023

Speaker: Duane Lowe

Four things that God is: 
1.    omniscience (all-knowing),
2.    omnipotence (all-powerful),
3.    omnibenevolence (supremely good),
4.    and omnipresent, meaning present everywhere at all times.
·      In other words, God knows everything, has the power to do anything, and is perfectly good while being everywhere at the same time.
It’s this God that passionately needs connection with us!
4 Barriers we face when pursing the Blesser? \
1.    Pride – Pride is a dark spirit that’ll manipulate our communication with Jesus from us.
a.    A lack of zeal and shame to declare the Gospel is evidence pride has us in prison to its lie.
2.    Unbelief – A drive to understand rather than to embrace Faith. Iniquity, vows and unforgiveness facilitate unbelief. Cultivate a passion to trust God. Faith is required to please Him.
3.    Identity Crisis – We put more emphasis on our biological family than we put on our spiritual family in Christ. Jesus said, “My mother and brother are they who obey the voice of God.” We must develop our hearing in the Spirit if we’re to embrace our identity in Christ.
4.    No Clear Revelation – Ever learning but not able to get your arms around the Truth.
  • Micah 6:8 NIV
  • Genesis 3:7-8 NIV
  • Mark 11:17 NIV
  • Jeremiah 45:5 NIV
  • Matthew 7:7 NIV

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message.


Blessing Or Blesser | Embracing The Moment

Blessing or Blesser

Embracing The Moment


Date: 17 December 2023

Speaker: Duane Lowe


Hebrews 1:14 NLT “Therefore, angels are only servants—spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation.” 
·      If you knew you were hindering angels from accomplishing their assignments on your behalf, what would you do to correct this self-inflicted travesty?
·      Angels work on our behalf regardless of our obedience or disobedience. We’re benefactors regardless. However, evidence of our obedience is Kingdom of God blessings. Everything is much lighter and easier.
·      However, when we’re disobedient, their role is to work and serve us by encouraging us to choose Jesus’ baptism of Spirit and fire and walk with Him. When we finally do, they’re able to facilitate their part of serving us God’s blessings as blood bought heirs of God’s Kingdom.
Embracing the Present Moment is Crucial!
Luke 17:5-10 NLT
Matthew 6:1-4 TPT
Matthew 5:23-26 TPT
James (Jacob) 4:17 TPT
Luke 10:41 TPT
Two things that hinder us from embracing the moment:
1.    Past experiences
2.    Present thought processes

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message.


Blessing Or Blesser | More Grace Is On The Way

Blessing or Blesser

More Grace Is On The Way


Date: 31 December 2023

Speaker: Duane Lowe


What happens when people follow a Spirit empowered believer? Baptism and discipleship are the evidence fruit. 
This is the order of Grace at work in our world:
1.    We experience a Breakthrough of Grace
2.    We Humbly acknowledgement evident sin
3.    He sends us on Mission
Jesus wants to reveal how He’s the Lord and not our servant even when He’s serving us. It’s to our benefit eternally, emotionally and physically to get this revelation of Him. 
When Grace breaks through into our lives, we become more aware of our sins, not less aware.
Jesus wants to save us by His Grace and then make us His vehicles of salvation for the rest of the world. 

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message.


NXTgen Families!

We haven’t forgotten about our children! We look forward to partnering with you as you step into being pastor of your home. We are here to help you every step of the way.

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