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Part 1

Credible Witnesses


Date: 25 July 2021

Speaker: Duane Lowe


My heart leaps when someone says, “I can hear the voice of God!” regardless of what intentions or attitude they may say it in. 

  • When we say God said, it is wisdom to pause long enough to confirm He’s speaking and not the trickster imitator. 
  • Accusation began when Adam agreed with a charge against God. Adam decided to take the matter in his own hands..
  • Accusation is the “sin” that separates us from God and each other. 

Points that show me as a credible witness: 

Hear the Truth in the Facts

a. What is the “Spirit of Truth” saying? 

b  What is the Good News about this case and what is Jesus up to?

c. This case isn’t about retribution or jail time. It’s about a Just God. Could it be that the miracle of finding one’s identity includes a season in jail?  

The moment I agree with the “idea” that I’m owed by anyone, I go to jail. 

  • (NLT) Matthew 18:34 

What experiences have you witnessed in Christ?

What supports your significance to this case? 

  • (NIV) Acts 1: 8

Deliver God’s merciful verdict

Jesus mercifully became a (credible witness) for the woman accused as an adulterer.

Part 2

Credible Witness

Keep the main thing, the main thing


Date: 1 August 2021

Speaker: Duane Lowe


(TPT) Galatians 5:22–23 

TPT 1 Corinthians 2:2 

(NLT) 1 Corinthians 13:11 


Four  things must happen for  the “PEACE” of God to be with you:

  1. Choose Joy

Jesus requires a representative that is available and willing to walk in His Spirit Character if He’s going to abide and be with us. 

  • The joy of the Lord is our strength! Allow Jesus to give you, His Joy!
  • Experience Him! Be filled with Holy Spirit and fire. 

(TPT) Acts 13:49 

2. Grow in Maturity / Repair broken relationships

We’re not talking about praying, fasting or reading your bible… 

(TPT) Philippians 2:4 

(TPT) Matthew 5:23 

3. Encourage each other / Become “one” in purpose

(TPT) Romans 14:17 

4. Live in harmony and peace / Dead in Christ

(TPT) 1 Corinthians 13:11 

  • My love for others is the evidence I’ve allowed God to love me. 
  • My offense with others is evidence of my rejection of God and His love. 


Part 3

Credible Witness 

Who Possessed You?

Date: 08 August 2021

Speaker: Duane Lowe


(NLT) 1 John 2:15-17 

What we give our time to, produces after its kind

He is our shortcut, light and easy! 

  • the government isn’t 
  • The vaccine isn’t 
  • The media isn’t

(TPT) James 3:13-18 

  • There are conversations that Jesus wants with us that He cannot have unless we’re in situations that are seemingly unfair and painful 

(TPT) Matthew 7:17-20 So 

  • Does our primary purpose in Christ include being a fruit inspector?  

(TPT) John 15:3-5 

  • Examine Yourself, not others

(NIV) 2 Corinthians 13:5 

  • Who’s giving this test? I’m giving myself the test! 

Examine yourself: The evidence may support the fact that a problem exists, however what God is after is not about the problem!

(NLT) 2 Corinthians 13:5-6 

  • I can’t help you on the level Jesus designed me to serve you if you haven’t recognized apostolic authority goes with Him having liberty to develop and build you into a mature child of God! 

 Three things to ask ourselves when we Examine our Faith:

  1. What fruit am I carrying?

2. Are you covered and accountable?

  • (TPT) John 15:5
  • (NIV) Ephesians 2:19-21 

3. Do you embrace correction? 

  • (TPT) 2 Timothy 4:1-3 






Part 4

Credible Witness

Rediscovering The Kingdom of God


Date: 15 August 2021

Speaker: Duane Lowe


Our Purpose at New Life is “The Message of the Kingdom” Receiving, Experiencing and being God’s Change Agents”

Prior to Jesus’ sacrifice, the Kingdom of God was simply Christ being introduced to Israel. Today, the Church is Christ and is God’s Expression of His kingdom dominion and power in the earth. 

(TPT) Matthew 10:6-8 

Kingdoms that conquer, when they are on their conquering campaign, their powerful reputation precedes them. 

Prior to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and Fire, the Kingdom of Heaven was near. At the feast of Pentecost, the Kingdom of heaven is discovered. 120 are filled with God’s Spirit, given dominion, authority, and power like no other kingdom. Adam is back in rule. 

  • Today, our world is rediscovering the Kingdom of God. 
  • People regardless of their race, status and religious persuasion are finding out Who they really are! 

This kingdom of heaven message Jesus preached isn’t the message that most of Christianity is preaching today. 

  • Most ministries teach that the Church should be separate (definition problem) from the world instead of going into all the world, baptizing… 
  • Most ministries teach that their responsibility is to prepare people for heaven instead of experiencing the kingdom of heaven now.  
  • Most ministries teach that the Church is a religious organization. 
  • Many have reduced Jesus to a religious leader. Christ has never been a religious leader, nor will He ever be! Jesus accomplished something that no religious leader can ever accomplish.  

(TPT) John 8:37-39 

Words are eternal. 

 Four Things to Rediscover the Kingdom: 

  1. Jesus came to re-establishing His Kingdom 
  2. Jesus picked up where Adam left off 
  3. We pick up where Jesus left off
  4. He sent “The Word.” 

(NLT) John 1:1-5 

(NLT) John 1:14 

The Kingdom of God came two thousand years ago as God’s Purpose Expressed in Words. How is God’s Kingdom able to have dominion in the earth today? 

(TPT) 2 Corinthians 3:17 

(TPT) John 1:1 

When we discover the Kingdom of God through rediscovery, we find out who we truly are. We’re God’s expression of His Kingdom to the world around us. 

We’re the revealing of Who God is in all His glory! 

His Church is His Identity revealed! 

This is the glory of the Lord! 

Jesus says it like this in 

(TPT) Luke 4:18–19

Christians who preach that “one of these days” we’ll be with the Lord, have lost the message of the Kingdom of God and need to rediscover what the Kingdom of God is through His Spirit.  

(TPT) Acts 17:27 

Part 5

Credible Witness

Choose to be Aware

Date: 22 August 2021

Speaker: Duane Lowe

Most are ashamed of their weakness! However, our greatest opportunity is in our weakness!

(TPT) Matthew 5:2 

Kingdom of God message lived out in our personal lives causes: 

  1. Realization that I need something I don’t have. 
  2. A reception of  “The Promise” of the Father by allowing Jesus to baptize me with Spirit and fire. 
  3. Thanksgiving and boldness to fill my heart.
  4. A craving of His righteous identity in me so I can serve others. 
  5. A demonstration of Mercy through me
  6. Seeing Jesus in everything. 
  7. Others to see my true-identity in Christ as I serve as a peace maker. 
  8. Peace and joy, the fruit of those who endure hostility through rejoicing. 
  9. A transformation of being “The Salt” of the earth.
  10. An illumination of us as lights in  darkness.  

(TPT) John 8: 37 

Four Things to rediscover the Kingdom of God: 

  1. Jesus came to re-establishing His Kingdom.
  2. Jesus picked up were Adam left off.
  3. “The Blueprint,” we pick up where Jesus left off. 
  4. He sent “The Word.” 

(TPT) 2 Corinthians 3:17 

(TPT) John 1:1 I

(TPT) Luke 4:18–19 

Part 6

Credible Witness 

Rediscovering The Kingdom Of God – Now What?


Date: 29 August 2021

Speaker: Duane Lowe


(TPT) Acts 17:26-28 

What does it look like to serve as God’s “Kingdom?”

  • His mission is accomplished! How? Carrying the “Message of the Kingdom.”
  • As we become, our transformation into Christ impacts others to become. 

(TPT) Matthew 5:1-16 

 The Expression of the Kingdom Arriving is: 

  1. Be Merciful – Receive Mercy
  2. Seeing Jesus in everything – (good or bad) 
  3. Be our Father’s Peace Maker
  4. Experience the Joy that persecution doesn’t affect

What Follows the Expression of the Kingdom:

  1. Saltiness Saltiness comes out of joy while eperiencing persecution. 
  2. Light / Revealing
  3. The Mission Fulfilled

What does it look like to inherit the earth? (Prosperity, favor, peace and every promise of God)

What will it look like when the “Message of the Kingdom” has fulfilled its mission? 


Part 7

Credible Witness 

Rediscovering the Kingdom of God

Where Is Your Power?


Date: 05 September 2021

Speaker: Duane Lowe


Salvation isn’t about a distant heaven or staying out of the lake of fire. Salvation is about stepping into our identity in Christ and experiencing fulfillment as His credible witness. 

(MSG) Joel 3:10

What am I focused on in my present circumstances, the challenges or the purpose? 

Does the storm have more of my attention than the “why” I’m going through the storm?

(TPT) Romans 7:15-25 

What is the real purpose for the obvious “weakness” in my life? 

(TPT) 2 Corinthians 12:7-9 

Paul’s thorn isn’t about being tormented more, it’s about God’s Grace being our source while we please Him, serve others and experience fulfillment. 

What are some ways we can use our weakness to our advantage? 

(TPT) John 1:16-17 

Could it be, “It takes an act of mercy for truth to be revealed?” 

Am I focused on my purpose or the Storm?

(TPT) 2 Corinthians 4:15 

Could it be that my weakness is a necessary ingredient in my life so that God’s grace has a platform to reveal its truth on? 


  1. Do I deserve anything?
  2. Am I owed anything? If not, then what happens when I entertain this lie? 
  3. Who am I supposed to please? 
  4. What is my weakness truly for? How does it assist me in serving others?
  5. What objective can humility fulfill with my weakness in the mix? 
  6. How does the Grace of God and my weakness work together so I can demonstrate Grace to others? 

(TPT) James 4:6 




Part 8

Credible Witness

God’s Full Expression


Date: 19 September 2021

Speaker: Duane Lowe


At New Life Fellowship, our faith expression is demonstrated from our purpose:

  1. Receiving the Promise 
    1. Our weekend services
  2. Experiencing Freedom
    1. Small groups & Growth Track
  3. Changing our world 
    1. Outreach 


(TPT) James 2:20-23 

(TPT) Acts 3:4 

(TPT) Acts 3:12-14 

(TPT) Acts 4:1-14

(TPT) Acts 4:29-35 

(TPT) James 2:20-23 


3 ways God expresses Himself fully through us: 

  1. Trusting Him is Reveals our Identity

(TPT) Acts 3:11

(TPT) Acts 4:13-14

2. Our cooperation is faith’s full expression. 

(TPT) Acts 3:4-8 

3. Our love for God demonstrates Christ. 

(TPT) Galatians 2:20 


Relationships will either assist or hinder God’s expression through us: 

(TPT) 1 Corinthians 15:32-34.

Simple responses in the Spirit allow Jesus to lead in faith’s full expression: 

(TPT) Matthew 5:35-37 

NXTgen Families!

We haven’t forgotten about our children! We look forward to partnering with you as you step into being pastor of your home. We are here to help you every step of the way.

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