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Part 1: Emmanuel, God With Us

Emmanuel, God With Us

Date: 19 December 2021

Speaker: Chuck Maher


One of the things I love about the Bible, is that Jesus can be found all throughout both the Old  and The New Testaments – that this entire book points to Jesus. Even throughout the Old  Testament, some of which was written over 1000 years before Jesus came to earth, we can find  so many types, shadows and prophesies about the coming of Jesus and even about His death  on the cross. There are actually over 400 prophesies about Jesus found throughout the OT.  And, the book with most of them is the book of Isaiah. 

One is found in Isaiah 7:14 

And, Matthew 1 confirms that the birth of Jesus was the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophesy.  

So, one of the names for God that we think about, especially at Christmas time is  “Emmanuel”, God with us. And I don’t know about you, but it’s so wild to me that the all  powerful, all knowing, omnipresent Creator of all things, chose to come to the earth in the form  of man and live among us and, “build furniture”. 

It’s what theologians call the “incarnation” – that the God of the universe, although He  remained fully God, also chose to be fully man. Like, He had a family, and real friendships with  other people, He had emotions and He could feel pain.  

And, the birth of Jesus was a turning point in both Heaven and Earth that God sent an angel to  a bunch of shepherds in a field and said, “I bring you good news of great joy”!!  

Why is this good news of great joy?  

1. Through Jesus, God would restore mankind back to right relationship with Him.

2. Jesus came to show what the Father is like!

3. He came so that we could be filled with The Holy Spirit.

4. He came so that you could be transformed.  


In Jesus I am loved and accepted by the Father. 

I am free from shame and condemnation 

When the father sees me he sees jesus 

The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside of me 

Everywhere i go, he goes 

And this Christmas, I am going to release the Kingdom everywhere I go.  Amen



NXTgen Families!

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