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Part 1: When Fear and Faith Mix

Faith  > Fear

When Fear & Faith Mix

Date: 21 June 2020

Speaker: Duane Lowe


1 Samuel 17: 20-30 (NLT)

Satan Challenges Our Identity Through:

  1. Family
  2. Leadership
  3. Ourselves

Satan wants us to come to him and fight on his terms.

Satan wants us out of God’s character and motivated emotionally with negativity He does this by manipulating each of us to believe the untrue about ourselves.

Reminding yourself who God says you are and rejecting what your surroundings and cultural influences are saying about you is an everyday fight.

Ask God:

  1. God, what do you want us to know and what do you want us to do?

Especially with negative emotions in situations that are wrong.

  1. God, what is this emotion that is growing in me?
  2. Where is the feeling of unworthiness, guilt and shame coming from?

You have the “mind of Christ.” There is no distance between your mind and His mind. His direction and voice to you is with you all the time!

God never stops communicating with us! We’re the ones who stops communicating with Him! We allow forgiveness issues to block His voice to us all the time!

Living a life of Repentance as we move into our true identity is defined as “Focused Attention on the voice of God, and passion to do what He is says.”

  • How did you “know” to say that? Because I have the mind of Christ.
  • How did you “know” to start your business that way? I have the mind of Christ.

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message?

Part 2: When Fear and Faith Mix

Faith  > Fear

When Fear & Faith Mix

Date: 28 June 2020

Speaker: Duane Lowe


When Fear and Faith Mix Part 2

It doesn’t take faith to believe a lie. However, it does take faith to believe the Truth. Especially the Truth about our True Identity. Satan knows that if he can manipulate the way we see ourselves, our faith in the truth about our identity is neutralized. 

(NLT) Ephesians 4:11-15 

  • Speaking the Truth changes everything in our lives immediately.
  • The lies we believe about ourselves, and the religious mask we wear, are solely reserved for Satan’s manipulative response and conversation. 
  • Living in truth doesn’t mean that I’m sinless, it just means that I tell the truth. 

Three ways I can better understand the mystery of myself: 

  1. The real me 
  • The real me tells the truth about myself without the religious mask. 
  • The real me is realistic about who I am.
    • I’m saying “what” I really believe in my heart. I’m not talking about what I know in my head / mind. 
  • I’m being real about being unhappy, afraid, angry, fearful, worried etc…
    • “I know I’m supposed to be happy but I’m not.” “I know I’m not supposed to be afraid, but I am.”

 THIS IS REAL, and God can and does work with us being real.

This is known in science as Neurocardiology. 

This is new scientific research that proves that the heart is the “information gatherer” and the brain is the “organizer and processor.”

Your heart is gathering information all the time. 



We can do anything when we are in unison with who we truly are. 

Why is this important? Identity can only be known by “truth telling.” 

  1. The True me
  • This the me that God’s sees and has supernatural plans for. 
  • This is the me that God made and or I’m moving towards
  •  I’m moving from the “real me” (God have mercy on me a sinner) to the “true me” (king, encourager, ambassador etc.) 
  • He’s saying, “Come follow Me and I will make you.” “Give me your burden (the real you) I’ll give you my burden” (the true you) Let’s do this together.”  
  1. The false me 
  • The difference in feeling and being. 
  • “I feel unworthy” (the real me) to saying, “I am unworthy” (the false me).
  •  This is false because Jesus’ blood makes us worthy.
    •  Anything less is confessing a lie. 
  • The false me lives in a “hell on earth” prison / believing Satan’s lies. 

When a person says that they are addicted to gossip or pornography, that’s not an identity; that’s an action. 

What is the identity that supports or permits them to be addicted to gossip and or pornography? 

The identity is Unworthiness. People with this identity look for the flaws in others to make themselves feel better about their own shame and rejection; or they hide to avoid being rejected and shamed for the lust they feed. 

(NKJV) James 5:16  (NKJV) Acts 2:1-4 

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message?

Part 3: Putting Your Faith To Work

Faith  > Fear

Putting Your Faith To Work

Date: 12 July 2020

Speaker: Craig Ashcraft


  1. Find Assurance – Acts 16:10


  1. Follow Laws – Deuteronomy 28:1
    • Obey – Anything He’s told you
    • Meditate – Joshua 1:8, Psalms 1:1-3
    • Speak – Joshua 1:8
    • Act – James 2:17


  1. Frame Your Faith – 
    • Words – Mark 11:23
    • Works – John 5:8


  1. Faithfully Persist – Matthew 15:22-28
Part 4: I Am Who He Says I Am

Fear verses Faith

I Am Who He Says I Am


Date: 26 July 2020

Speaker: Duane Lowe

(NLT) Ephesians 4:14-16

When Jesus came in flesh, He came to demonstrate our “TRUE IDENTITY;” to reveal to us “Who we were from His lens, who we were intended to be from the beginning. 

We all know what it is to wear the mask of a false identity. Anytime we yield to fear, shame and guilt we’re accepting an identity that produces bad fruit, habits and broken relationships. 

Example: The trash and the rats… 

All God is asking from us is to get real with Him about how we feel about ourselves and Him; He’s okay with our belly aching if we’re being real. He can work with our honesty, not our lies about ourselves! 

He’s not okay with our belly aching over other people. Our issues with others are evidence of the false identity we’re walking in. 

The True me is the me that God’s sees and has supernatural plans for. 

This is the me that God made and or I’m moving to

I’m moving from the “real me” (God have mercy on me a sinner) to the “true me” (king, encourager, ambassador etc.) 

He’s saying to each of us today, “Come follow Me and I will make you.” “Give me your burden (the real you) I’ll give you my burden” (the true you) Let’s do this together.”  

The false me – The difference in feeling and being. 

“I feel unworthy” (the real me) to saying, “I am unworthy” (the false me). This is false because Jesus’ blood makes us worthy. 

Anything less is confessing a lie. 

The false me lives in a “hell on earth” prison / believing lies. Satan is my lord because I believe his lies.

NKJV James 5:16

Romans 14:23

Acts 2:1-4 


David messed up when he started thinking without God… he steps out of his identity… WHAT DID HE DO?

It’s dangerous to operate, do business and build relationships outside of our “True Identity.”

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message?

Part 5: I Am Designed For Intimacy

Fear verses Faith

I Am Designed For Intimacy


Date: 02 August 2020

Speaker: Duane Lowe

(NIV) 1 Cor. 2:10-16 

Being honest about how we feel about God and ourselves changes everything in our lives immediately and makes our relationship with Him more intense. 

If I want to KNOW what God is doing; how to be more aware of Him in my life,

then being honest with Him about how I see Him and myself becomes my invitation for Him to speak to me about how He sees me and helps me to pay closer attention to His voice.

The challenges every believer faces in relation to our identity are: 

  1.  Family
  2. Leadership
  3. Enemy

(NIV) 1 Thessalonians 5:19 

Paul encourages us to embrace our identity this way: (NKJV) Galatians 5:25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

  • Ephesians 5:15 
  • Joel 2:25 
  • Matthew 7:24-25 

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message?

Part 6: I Am Designed For Intimacy Part 2

Fear verses Faith

You Are Designed For Intimacy Part 2


Date: 09 August 2020

Speaker: Duane Lowe

Can I live out my identity and role as a man without Jesus being in charge of my life? 

  (NIV) 1 Cor. 2:10-16  

  • Satan is after your identity. Our unregenerate spirit (without God) is his plan for us every day of our lives. 
  • He knows that if he can manipulate us to choose knowledge through our cognitive and processing ability for sourcing our decisions, he can hold us prisoner to serving his will and agenda. 

How can I “KNOW” Satan is manipulating me in this manner? 

  • Fear, shame, guilt and unbelief is the dynamic he uses as he puppet us. 

The first challenge every believer faces in relation to your identity is: 

  1. Family 
  2. Leadership 
  3. Enemy 

How does the enemy convince us to fight on his terms? 

  • Through Fear! 

(NIV) Matthew 6:8 

(NIV) Matthew 7:7-8  “

(NIV) 1 Thess. 5:19 


(NKJV) Galatians 5:25 

(NKJV) Eph. 5:15

(NKJV) Joel 2:25 

(NKJV) Matthew 7:24-

We’re changed into His image (FAITH NOT FEAR) by the Spirit of the Lord.

How do I know I have the mind of Christ? 

  • When I’m concerned more about others than self…

Invitation to intimacy:

  • Will you marry Me? 
  • Will you take my Name; my Identity; my Life and Trust where I lead you? 
  • The commitment includes, to love, cherish and obey

Action Steps: 

  • Pay attention to God: 
  • ASK: Which way are we going? 
  • ACT: Start moving forward / Engage / Follow / Do! 

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message?


Part 7: Discovering Your True Self

Fear verses Faith

Discovering Your True Self

Date: 16 August 2020

Speaker: Duane Lowe

Regardless of your cultural status, wealthy, poor, educated or uneducated, our lives, spirit, soul and body are being influenced by divine purpose and interest. 

(NIV) 2 Cor. 5:16-18 

Jesus is committed to walking each of us through our greatest fears and challenges. 

What kind of fear, shame or negative emotion are you needing Jesus to help you work out of you? 

  • Carrying the Gospel?
  • Overcoming disease or affliction? 
  • Having a happy marriage?
  • Raising successful children?
  • Being fulfilled?

Becoming one’s true self always begins with:

  1. Faith

         (NKJV) Romans 12:3 

         (NIV) Hebrews 11:1 

          Faith isn’t magical! Faith is God’s gift to humanity and our enemy is trying to take it from us every waking moment of ourlives. 

     2. Hope

      Those who hope right, Think Big by trusting what God is saying to them when they ask Him as question. FAITH and GOD are             much more attainable than the Christian community is demonstrating… 

     3. Love

       Satan knows that nothing (money, disease, death etc) has any power against or over humanity. The only way anything can               have power over us is what we give power to. 

The Key in maintaining your identity in Christ is by keeping all “negative emotions” in check! 

Negative emotions are like “pain receptors” in our body. 

When we refuse to remove the “negative emotion,” we put blame on others and they often remove themselves from our presence. 

(TPT) Psalms 46:10-11 

To key words that support the extraction of a “negative emotion” so we can continue to develop and become our true selves: 

  • Confession
  • Repentance

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message?

NXTgen Families!

We haven’t forgotten about our children! We look forward to partnering with you as you step into being pastor of your home. We are here to help you every step of the way.

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