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Part 1: God Is Speaking To You

God is Speaking

Date: 26 Sept 2021

Speaker: Duane Lowe


(TPT) 1 Cor. 4 


How can we set ourselves up to personally rendezvous with God: 

  1. Get Alone with God / purposefully shut out any distractions that could potentially draw your attention away from being focused on Him. 
  2. Set the atmosphere with songs of worship, preferably to Him, rather than about Him.
  3. Give your heaviness up. Lay your burdens at His feet. Be honest with God about how you are feeling. Tell Him the truth about your emotional challenges and let Him completely have them. 
    1. It’s practically impossible to hear God speaking when you are in prison to things in life that are closing in on you. 
    2. Prayer is an exchange of our burdens for His Life and Will. 
    3. Example: When you have finished praying and you’re still burdened with heavy spirit, you really didn’t pray, you just complained and fussed to God about your present circumstances. 
  4. Use the Bible correctly. Key Point: What spirit are you entertaining when you open the Bible? Is your attitude that of humility or pride? It matters! As you read, entertain the spirit of the letter. Start with the “life of Jesus and or the experiences of the apostles” write down what you are feeling it’s saying to you. 


The Ability to Hear the voice of God is: 

  • natural / inherent 
  • Learned
  • Matured


Here are a few immature ways that Christians operate in their hearing: 

  1. Every act (decision) requires God’s voice philosophy  
  2. Point and Hope Philosophy – Example: “I need a word from God, so I open the Bible, close my eyes and point.” This may work at times for some, especially if you’re new in your faith.
  3. Whatever will be, will be philosophy


The reason there’s a problem with this philosophy is that “we make mistakes.”  

  • Whatever we choose is not always God speaking to us. Human “will” can and does often get in the mix. 
  • Whatever will be, will be has proven to never to work out for those who embrace it. 


God Speaks to Give Life! 


Part 3: God Is Speaking To You

God Is Speaking To You

Recognizing God’s Voice through Relationship

Part 3

Date: 17 October 2021

Speaker: Duane Lowe


(TPT) 1 Peter 3:20-21

God never intended for us to live by our conscience. He intended for each of us to live by His voice.

(TPT) Acts 2:36-40 

Recognizing His Voice comes when we allow Him to get personal with us!

Jesus came to facilitate His original plan for us to walk with His Voice! 

Jesus created us with ears and a mouth, to hear and to speak. He wants us to communicate with Him. He wants a relationship with us! 

Relationship with God is our: 

  • First Priority
    • (NKJV) Genesis 3:8-10
  • First Pursuit
    • (TPT) Hebrews 9:11
  • First Passion

(TPT) Luke 10:38-42

(NKJV) Exodus 19:5-6

(NLT) Exodus 20:19-20 


What’s the Holy Spirit saying to you? 

  • Maybe you think that you’ve messed up too bad and you’re hiding from God. You sin debt has already been taken care of and He wants to prove it to you. Give Him your ear and take a moment to consider what He’s saying to you.

NXTgen Families!

We haven’t forgotten about our children! We look forward to partnering with you as you step into being pastor of your home. We are here to help you every step of the way.

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