NXTgen KidsLife
Our goal is for your children to learn what it is like to experience freedom through a new life in Christ and learn how to build healthy relationships. We believe that the most important relationships they can have is with God and with you as their parent or guardian.
What to Expect:
Our hope is that we would get to walk alongside you and assist you in leading your child to God. We want your child to develop a genuine love for Jesus as they learn how to hear God’s voice so they can discover their identity and purpose in Him.
Partnering with Parents:
We believe the best way we can help your kids develop a strong spiritual foundation is by partnering with you. Together, we can help encourage, equip, and pray for them as they grow in their faith.
Here are some practical ways you can help us make the most of your child’s time spent at church:
- Get to know your child’s Sunday Small Group leaders by connecting with them before and after service.
- Pray for your children each week as they come to church and pray for our teams as they serve and care for your children.
- Download the Parent Cue app as a tool to help take the Sunday message beyond Sunday and into your home. This app will give you weekly cues that are aligned with the content we present on Sundays, and it will help you do something each week to help move your child toward a deeper relationship with God and you.
Your First Visit:
From infants to fifth graders, our team wants to give your family an excellent experience.
FWhen you arrive, our team will happily show you the way to the children’s area. You’ll go to the first-time check-in station where you can tell us a little about your family to help us serve you well. On our check-in form we’ll ask things like what allergies your child may have, how many children are in your family, and get your contact information. Or you can fill out the new family check-in form online to save a few minutes when you check-in for the first time.
Then, you and your child will both get a sticker with a matching code. If for any reason we need to reach you during the service, you’ll see your child’s code on the screen. This sticker is also what you’ll use to pick up your child after the service.
Your child will experience personal care from our well-staffed team. We keep our nursery rooms ready for your little ones with age-appropriate toys.
We know babies have specific needs and schedules, so when you bring your child to the room, we have an easy-to-use form that you can fill out to let our team know the feeding, sleeping, and changing needs your child has. We also take time to love and pray for your child each week.
In preschool, children start to engage more with their church experience, so we help them interact and build their faith through stories, crafts, and songs that give them Biblical truths. They also start to form relationships with other kids and their teachers.
Every weekend, your children first through fifth grade come to a Kids Life service where they will get to experience four things:
We provide small group activities for fun interaction that promotes relationship building. God designed us for the community, and we want your kids to build healthy relationships with other kids their age. Making friends and growing alongside their peers is an important part of their spiritual growth.
We invite them to respond to God’s presence through praise and worship. We want your children to grow up experiencing the joy and benefit of worshipping Him.
Communication of God’s Biblical truth in engaging ways. Kids need different things at different ages, and we want to help your child learn how to hear God’s voice so that they can understand what is written in the Bible and how it applies to their life.
Small Groups
We create a safe place for them to connect and discover how to apply what they learned. As they build a relationship with their Small Group Leaders, we hope they’ll share, ask questions, and feel supported and cared for as they grow in their faith.