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A Mother's Treasure

A Mother’s Treasure

Date: 12 May  2024

Speaker: Sherene Wine

We’ve been talking about being the Bride of Christ. How our earthly marriages reflect this beautiful relationship that Jesus has with us, the Church. And Pastor has expounded on that in how we make room for Jesus as his Bride.

There’s an important factor that comes into play after a marriage. And that’s producing children. As Christ’s Bride we actually have a direct command to “baptize and make disciples” Matthew 28:19-20. That is our command to produce children in the Kingdom. 
Baptize AND make disciples
Here’s what discipleship is NOT:
·       Taking someone to church hoping that other people will help them
·       Handing someone a track and saying God bless you
·       Giving a word of knowledge to the cashier at the grocery store
·       Coming to church on Sunday and hugging people
Luke 14:27 – 
Ephesians 4:11-13 
Galatians 2:20 
Mark 8:34
1.       Deny yourself
2.       Pick up your cross (this represents a reflection of living as Christ lived)
3.       Equip people
4.       Build up the church
5.       Be crucified with Christ till it is no longer you who live (kill the flesh and live full of the spirit)
What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message.


NXTgen Families!

We haven’t forgotten about our children! We look forward to partnering with you as you step into being pastor of your home. We are here to help you every step of the way.

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Prayer Request

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