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Part 1: Finding Your Sweet Spot In The Spirit



Date: 04 October 2020

Speaker: Duane Lowe


The sweet spot is that place where your greatest strengths and your greatest personal power overlap with those areas where you find ease,

(NLT) Psalms 139: 13-15

(TPT) Romans 8:37

The “Good News” is that Jesus sets us up so that we can choose “Life,” be empowered and step into our predestined identity and eternal purpose…

(TPT) John 8:42

Opening our hearts to His message requires His presence at work in our spirit.

Pause long enough and make time for Him and “ask” Him to help you have an open mind!

Why Do We Need To Find Our “Sweet Spot?”

In our finite existence, for activity to make sense, there must be a convergence of passion, talent and money. In our spiritual existence and development, there must be a convergence of identity, mission, and stewardship.

And if you have talent and money but no passion / identity, you’ll be bored.

Identity / Passion

  • In the physical, the biggest mistakes people make when thinking about passion is thinking that finding it is something you do once, and you’re done. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
  • Passion doesn’t just show up one day. It’s an active process that’s developed, more than discovered. It’s relational and immerges out of ongoing intimacy.

Mission / Talent

  • Is your mission aligned with your identity? Are you passionate about your talent?

Stewardship / Money

  • The idea of saving the world is noble, however, that’s Jesus’ mission and we’re on the journey with Him to be faithful profitable stewards of His interest.

Being faithful over little is key if we’re to step into being rulers of much.

(NKJV) Luke 19:16

(TPT) Matthew 5:6

John 7:37-39


Part 2: Living In Your Sweet Spot

Living in (Your) Sweet Spot

Date: 11 October 2020
Speaker: Duane Lowe

(NLT) Hebrews 11:5
(NLT) Genesis 5:23

All work is creative work because all work is participating in the ongoing creation of
the world.

Nerves and negative emotions stretch us and challenge us to rethink, reconsider and
reset if necessary.

Jesus remains constant with His message and ways. “My sheep hear my voice; I know
them and they follow Me.”

(NLT) John 10:27

Arriving in your sweet spot and stepping into your identity so that we’re experiencing
an ongoing “fulfillment,” requires a we clear the preverbal table; to start with a clear
slat and or blank page.

God has given me the responsibility of “choice,” and I can choose to engage with Him
or not. The “choice” of Life or death is mine and mine alone.

Four keys to “Live in your Sweet Spot
1. Put First things First –
2. Go all in
3. Be Grateful
4. Live in the Moment / Present

John 7:37-39

Separating Jesus from the Sweet Spot won’t work!
In His presence is fulness of JOY!

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message

Part 3: Living In Your Sweet Spot II

*no notes*

Part 4: Thinking Differently

*no notes*

Part 5: Serving You

God’s Sweet Spot

Serving You!

 Date: 01 November 2020

Speaker: Duane Lowe

For God To Serve us:

– We need to be hungry

– We need to Hear

– We need to Receive 

 I can’t serve others until I’ve allowed Him to serve me

Most professed believers at best will write down what Jesus is saying and memorize it with hopes that He will be pleased with them. OBEDIENCE IS BETTER THAN SACRIFICE! 

Jesus came in flesh telling stories — He’s an expert in language because He is the Word of God. He knows exactly how to get His message across. 

Jesus spoke in parables when He came in flesh.

Matthew 5: 6 

Jesus attracts the real seekers! His conversation; His manner of communication is how He does it. 

  • He uses parables to help our hearing, hunger and receiving.
  • Jesus tells absurd stories to challenge the conformity of our boring lives. 

Parables avoid literalism – literalism meaning,

Jesus talks to us today just like He talked to His followers then. Not in literalism! 

Jesus wants us to keep coming back to Him and asking Him what He is saying and has said means. It’s called abiding! Abiding with the vine! 

Jesus is making each of us and discipling each of us into greatness. Our involvement in the process includes being hungry enough to ask, seek and knock…    

 (NLT) Mark 8:17.

 (NLT) Revelation 2:29

5 Things that are given / served to those who develop their ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to them:

  1.  Jesus will give fruit from the tree of life in the paradise of God.
  2. They will not be harmed by the second death
  3. Jesus will give some of the manna (Life) that has been hidden away in heaven. 
  4. And Jesus will give to each one a white stone.
  5. And on the stone will be engraved a new name that no one understands except the one who receives it. 

(NLT) Matthew 13:9 

Hear God

—- when you ask for wisdom, act…

Step / Act / Obey into identity confidently

—- obedience is better than sacrifice  

Glorify God – Disciple others  

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message?

Part 6: It's Found In Hope

Sweet Spot

It’s Found in Hope

Date: 08 November 2020

Speaker: Duane Lowe


When we’re walking in the Spirit, we’re in our sweet spot and God is in His. You can’t lose, it’s a win-win! 

If we truly believed that God is with us and for us, then we would never lose! 

God actually surrounds each of us individually and corporately! 

Where is the house of God and the gateway to heaven?

The place where God experiences His Sweet Spot, YOU! 

You are God’s intersection between Heaven and Earth. Wow! God is showing Jacob an eternal truth and purpose. 

Notice God’s progression in relation His houses: 

  • The Tabernacle
  • The Temple
  • Jesus
  • And then YOU! 


Three things that prepare us to be winners: 

1 . Failure and suffering make us.

  • (NIV) Hebrews 2: 9
  • (NIV) Hebrews 2:14
  • Our temptation isn’t sin, it’s fear! 
  • Staying connected with Jesus, experiencing His Spirit Words and trusting Him is a win-win for everyone.
  • You will never lose because Jesus always wins! 

2. Connecting with others

  • (NIV) Hebrews 12:1
  • What happens the moment we begin to think we’re in a win-lose scenario? We start self-protecting and self-posturing. 
  • To self-protect, we have to separate ourselves from other relationships! 
  • This separation is called sin! 
  • I deny God His sweet spot when I’m separate from others 

3. We See Jesus at work in us and the world around us

  • Fix your eyes on Jesus!
  • Losing actually enhances the experience of winning. 

We already have the faith we need!

God never violates the identity He gives you. He’s not interested in puppets. He establishes each of us to stand upright in our eternal identity. He wants you to go get that “good seed” idea that’s in your mind and heart. Just keep your eyes fixed on Jesus! Stay with Jesus and we never fail; you will always win. 

People who lose, agree to lose with the enemy! 

Jesus doesn’t promise that we never fall, He does promise us that we never lose. 

Jesus calls you a winner and has already set you up to win! 

Stop telling God you can’t; that you’ll lose. You can only win! Run to win! 

Fix your eyes on Him in your true identity and go win! YOU CANNOT LOSE!

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message?

Part 7: You Can't Lose

Sweet Spot

You Can’t Lose

Date: 15 November 2020

Speaker: Duane Lowe


Many believe in God and we kind of love Him but most don’t really believe He’s with or for us all the time. If we told the truth, at times we really feel as though He’s against us.

Three facts that support you being a “Winner.”

  1. Failure and suffering make us.

  • (NIV) Hebrews 2: 8
  • (NIV) Hebrews 2:14
  • (NIV) Hebrews 2:9

          (a) What is Jesus demonstrating to me today?

                 i. Identity and vocation in the earth

                 ii. How identity and vocation is different

                 iii. How that our identity doesn’t come from what we do, have or what people think of                         us.

  1. Connecting with others
  • (NIV) Hebrews 12:1
  • God is not in His sweet spot when I’m separating from others


  1. We See Jesus at work in our identity in the world around us
  • Regardless of what I’m enduring and going through, if I have vision and see Jesus working with and through the trouble and mess around me, I can easily win.


Jesus calls you a winner and has already set you up to win!


What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message?


Part 8: God's Purpose For You

Sweet Spot

God’s Purpose for You

Date: 06 December 2020
Speaker: Sean Cleary


(TPT) Luke 18:29–30 

(NKJV) Luke 23:33

  • What exactly is our portion of this fulfillment? 
  • What is this glory we’re being propelled into? 

Presently, in Christianity, these things are God’s purpose for us. 

  • Great Commission: (Matthew 28:19) 
  • These signs follow: (Mark 16:17-18)
    • This group did these things and were in spiritual trouble: (Matthew 7:22-24)
  • The Great Commandment: (John 13:34) 

Paul tells the believers in Ephesus that God’s Purpose for you is:  

(NIV) Ephesians 4:13 …until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

  1. The Faith
  2. The Knowledge 
  3. The Whole Measure – hosting His presence continually, responding, serving, demonstrating His charge and dominion. 

Everything STARTS and ENDS with Jesus! 

He is still the BEGINNING and the ENDING!

(NLT) Colossians 1: 4 

3 keys to steps to fulfilling God Purpose in your life (the whole measure of Christ): 

  1. Hope: (soil is cultivated by the good news message)
  2. Faith: (seed is planted and takes root) 
  3. Love (the whole measure)

(NKJV) Matthew 10:24 


Part 9: God's Purpose For You Part 2

Sweet Spot

God’s Purpose for You? Part 2


Date: 13 December 2020

Speaker: Duane Lowe

(NLT) Luke 7:22 

Called to the ministry. What does that mean to you? 

  • What is the ministry? 
  • What is our purpose as members of the body of Christ? 
  • What are the gifts, apostles, prophets… purpose? 
    • To come into the full stature of Christ as they serve others to come into the full stature…

Martha & Mary Syndrome… (Mary chose the greater….) 

  • Mary was arrogant enough to challenge Jesus
  • Christians often justify what they’re doing is greater than what others are doing
  • Jesus never did this

(TPT) Luke 18:29–30 

(NKJV) Luke 23:33 

Presently, in Christianity, these things are God’s purpose for us. 

  • Great Commission: (Matthew 28:19) 
  • These signs follow: (Mark 16:17-18)
    • This group did these things and were in spiritual trouble: (Matthew 7:22-24)
  • The Great Commandment: (John 13:34) 

(NIV) Ephesians 4:13 …until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

  1. Unity in The Faith – explain (the message Acts 2:38; Acts 19)
  2. The Knowledge of the Son of God – explain (be filled with His Spirit and led) – Matthew 7
  3. Maturity / The Whole Measure – hosting His presence continually, responding, serving, demonstrating His charge and dominion. 

(NLT) Acts 1:8 

Everything STARTS and ENDS with Jesus! 

He is still the BEGINNING and the ENDING!

(NIV) Colossians 1:4 

Three keys to fulfilling God Purpose in your life (the whole measure of Christ): 

  1. Hope: (soil is cultivated by the good news message; receiving the Spirit)
  2. Faith: (seed is planted and takes root; Speaking the King’s message) 
  3. Love (the whole measure; empowered to follow and see as Jesus sees.) – (eye hath not seen, nor ear heard… Real covenant commitment)

(NKJV) Matthew 10:24 

John 12:26

You confirm what the Holy Spirit is saying to me through humility and pride. 

  • Humility for me to make a change
  • Pride for me to stand

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message?

NXTgen Families!

We haven’t forgotten about our children! We look forward to partnering with you as you step into being pastor of your home. We are here to help you every step of the way.

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