test First Name *Last Name *Email Address *Phone *Your Date of Birth *Street Address *Apartment, suite, etcCity *State/ProvinceZIP / Postal Code *Relation to Child(ren) *MotherFatherGrandmotherGrandfatherOtherMarital Status *Marital StatusSingleMarriedSeparatedDivorcedWidow/erSpousal InformationFirst Name *Last NameCellphone *Date of Birth *Child InformationFirst Name *Last NameDate of Birth *Current Grade *ToddlerPre-K / Kinder1st-3rd4th-5th6th+Known Allergies *NutsWheatBee/WaspsOtherNo known allergies.Other:Claim Tag Agreement *For safety purposes, I understand that I must present the security claim tag assigned to me or a valid photo ID In Older to obtain my child(ren) from New Life Fellowship KidsLife once they are checked in. Register Family