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Part 1: The Promise | Our Value For God and Others

The Promise

Our Value for God and Others

Date: 24 October 2021

Speaker: Duane Lowe

Expectation is top tier when receiving anything from Jesus. 

Addressing and taking our thoughts captive is what we do as followers of Jesus. 

As stewards of God’s Grace our effectiveness requires all our thoughts to be completely subject to Jesus.

Things we should expect: 

  1. Jesus will challenge your trust in Him
  2. To discover how significant, you are to Jesus

Our fulfillment is directly tied to our passion to “Build People.”

According to Jesus and His Mission for us as His Church, we are a small group Church, not A Church with small groups.

The New Testament Church included both “celebration and small groups.”

Being effective in reaching our children and their generation requires the Church to connect, know one another, pair up and unify in God’s Mission.

Trusting Jesus when we connect with small groups helps us to:

  1. Recognize and Hear His Voice
  2. Receive The Mind of Christ.
Part 2: The Promise | A Better Story

The Promise

A Better Story


Date: 7 November 2021
Speaker: Duane Lowe


Jesus wants to fill His house so He can achieve His greatest purpose!

(TPT) Romans 14:16-18 

(NIV) Romans 14:18 

Jesus reveals how His Kingdom would come. This gives us more insight on why Jesus wants us “empowered” to be His witnesses: 

(NIV) Luke 11:21-28 

If I’m still facilitating the same frustration, guilt, depression, anger etc, I need something that I don’t have that’ll empower me to make the right choice. 

“Isn’t this supposed to be easier than what I’m experiencing?”

What am I missing? 

(NIV) Matthew 11:29-30 T

(TPT) Matthew 11:29 

We experience Freedom and Empowerment when He has access to our hearts to be King of His Kingdom in us so that He can demonstrate His Grace through us to others.

When we consider all the reference points of our lives, Jesus is there inviting us to follow Him; to trust Him; to let Him empower us to give us our testimonies.

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message today?


Part 3: The Promise | A Life of Intimacy

The Promise 

 A Life of Intimacy

Date: 14 November 2021
Speaker: Duane Lowe


Jesus lived in response to His Father. He’s inviting us to “allow Him” to empower us, so we can learn to do the same. 

  • Jesus did what He saw His Father doing. He spoke what He first heard His Father saying. He never lived in reaction to darkness.

Evidence of “The Promise” in one’s life:

TPT Romans 8:9 

When we exchange fighting for intimacy and start enjoying our relationship with God, we step into a new dimension of warfare. This isn’t to say, ignore the reality of spiritual conflict. Make no mistake, we are in a battle. 

  • Paul reminds us not to be ignorant of the devil’s devices. At the same time, Paul does not call us to become overly consumed with the enemy’s schemes and strategies either. 
  • We’re not fighting for victory; we’re fighting from victory!

Warfare from intimacy is always victorious because we have decided to rest in the fact that the Greater One within us is already victorious. 

This suggests that our first directive in warfare is to change our agreement. 

  • We must cease agreeing with the enemy, who tells us that we need to fight for our victory, and instead agree with the One who stated, “It is finished.”

Paul addresses this in: (TPT) Romans 1:15-17 

Living a Life of Intimacy requires a message and an experience: 

The Gospel

  • The Gospel is an Invitation To Experience Intimacy

In Matthew 16:18-19, Jesus gives Peter keys that would be responsible for ushering in the everlasting “Gospel” to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the Gentile nations. 

  • The gospel Peter preached remains “The Gospel” of Jesus Christ till this very day. It’ll never change. 

Peter delivers this everlasting Gospel to thousands that are convicted as they hear this good news message. They asked him, “What should we do?” (Acts 2:37) 

  • This good news sparks a need in the crowd to participate in required accountabilities, initiations and commands. 

All who gave permission to Jesus that day were baptized with the Holy Spirit and Fire. Every time anyone is obedient to the Gospel, they will follow Peter’s command in (Acts 2:38) 

  • To Repent
  • Be water baptized in Jesus name
  • Receive the Holy Spirit baptism.  

(TPT) Acts 2:37-39 

The Promise

  • The promise is an Experience that empowers all to Walk in Intimacy

(TPT) Acts 2:39 


Part 4: The Promise | Evidence of God Versus Essence of God

The Promise 

Evidence of God versus Essence of God

Date: 28 November 2021

Speaker: Duane Lowe

Evidence: the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief, statement or assertion is true or valid. 

Essence: the basic, real, and invariable nature of a thing or its significant individual feature or features: Freedom is the very essence of our democracy.

  • Philosophy. the inward nature, true substance, or constitution of anything, as opposed to what is accidental, phenomenal, illusory, etc.
  • something that exists, especially a spiritual or immaterial entity.

What does the evidence of God’s presence look like and feel like?

Acts 3:2-8 

  • This event shows Peter and John walking in the “essence of God” and a lame man experiencing the “evidence of God” in his body. 
  • Both people have an experience with God. 
    • One is blessed with the benefit of being in the evident presence of God while… 
    • The other is a demonstration of the essence of God. 
  • The essence of God is what Following Jesus looks like. 
  • This is what it looks like to live in the “Overflow” of God’s Spirit.  
  • This is what it looks like to allow Jesus to be King of His Kingdom within you so He can fill the earth with His glory. 

(NLT) 2 Corinthians 3:5 

(NLT) Acts 2:39-41 

What happens when we experience the essence of God? 

Overflow is key!

God is so gracious with each of us so much so, 

  • He’ll allow us to act like and think we’re in control and at the same time allows us to experience evidence of His presence.
  • However, He will not allow us to be filled with the Essence of His Spirit until we relinquish charge to and give Him permission to lead us and make us. 

Being filled with the Spirit has direct and specific evidence of OVERFLOW. 

  • Being a witness is key (Acts 1:8; 2:1-4; 8:18; 10:45-46). 
  • Power, boldness, faith, and authority are all evidence of being filled with the OVERFLOW of God’s ESSENCE. (Acts 4:7-8; 13; 31). 

(NLT) Acts 4:7-9,13,31 

(NLT) Matthew 7:13-14, 22-23 

Experience: The Promised Overflow!  

  • Remove all barriers 
  • Request the free gift of the Holy Spirit 
  • Receive the Gift of overflow
  • Relinquish control (of the unruliest member) 

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message? 

Part 5: The Promise | What Are Tongues

The Promise

What Are Tongues?


Date: 05 December 2021

Speaker: Duane Lowe

The Kingdom of God has a cultural language that is established by its King. As a citizen of the Kingdom of God, your language and conversation reveal your status as a citizen. 

  • In the Kingdom of God, you talk like the King of that Kingdom. 
  • In Christianity, your language and conversation has no bearing on your identity.  

Jesus established the “Gifts of the Spirit” in His Church so that He could finish what He started, that is to build His Church. The Gifts of the Spirit need our availability and willingness to let Him do just that, build His Church. 

NKJV 1 Corinthians 13:1 

  • Other tongues – of which are experienced by those who are being born again while Jesus baptizes with His Spirit and fire. (Acts 2:4; 10:46; 19:6; 1 Cor. 14:21) 
  • Unknown tongues – of which is a gift of the Holy Spirit for the edifying the believer speaking, the Church and non-believer as conviction pulls on their heart as the gift of interpretation of Tongues work through available Spirit filled believers. (1 Cor. 14:2, 4, 13-14, 27)
    • Not all Spirit filled believers speak with this tongue. Not that they can’t or that God won’t use them. Primarily, most just refuse to desire, be available and or willing. 

Jesus spoke with tongues. 

Mark 5:41 KJV

Mark 15:34 KJV 

Jesus established the path by which all His followers are invited to follow Him by faith! Remember as you host His presence, you’ll begin to know things and hear things you can’t know and hear apart from His presence. 

  • Be open-minded and feel after the Spirit of Truth as He speaks to you for the next few moments. 

NIV John 14:25-27 

Four Things That Happen as we develop as followers of Christ: 

  1. The Holy Spirit
  2. Freedom in the Spirit
  3. His Glory
  4. Change into His image as we host His Spirit

NLT 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 

NIV Romans 8:19 

NLT 2 Thessalonians 2:13 

NKJV John 3:7-8 

NIV Luke 24:44-49 

NIV 1 Corinthians 2:1-16. 

NIV 1 Cor. 2:6 

NIV 1 Cor. 2:8 

NIV 1 Cor. 2:10 

Each of us is made up of a spirit (we’re the only part of God’s creation that has this eternal part), soul (our mind, will and emotions) and body (we see it with our eyes). 

  • Our body, mind, will and emotions have limited hard drive space. 
  • Our brain has limited capacity. 
  • God is too much information for too little of a hard drive. 

We will criticize that which our mind does not understand! It’s what (our fallen nature) does! 

NIV 1 Cor. 2:10-14

NIV 1 Cor. 2:15 

Allowing God to speak through and from you keeps you from interfering with and changing His leadership in you and through you. 

Praying in the Spirit is the first time in your life when your brain isn’t producing the words but your spirit is with God’s Spirit. Out of your belly will flow rivers of living water(John 7:38-39)

  • Remove all barriers for the Holy Spirit 
  • Request the free gift of the Holy Spirit
    • NIV Luke 11:11-13 
  • Receive the Gift
  • Release “The Voice of God” to speak through you. 


Part 6: The Promise | What Does It Mean To Be Led By The Spirit

The Promise

What Does It Mean To Be Led By The Spirit


Date: 12 December 2021

Speaker: Duane Lowe

What is the Holy Spirit saying about this message?

Part 7: The Promise | Grace Filled Relationship

The Promise

Grace Filled Relationship


Date: 02 January 2022

Speaker: Duane Lowe

(TPT) Romans 5:12 

(TPT) Hebrews 12:14

  • The Good News is, “The Gift of Grace is Greater than Sin!” Everyone needs to hear this Good News! Our adversary knows this Good News makes all the difference if we’ll give an ear to its message and experience. 
  • The evidence of Life and or death is always evident in our choice. We’re that powerful. Jesus can never be the reason for our anxiety and frustrations. It’ll always be “the person in the mirror” who “chooses” to trust another source for what we believe to be true. 

(TPT) Matthew 25:40 

(TP)T Matthew 18:3 

  • Everyone wants to be fulfilled (to experience righteousness, peace and joy) but if I think for a moment that I need to be heard, my opinion matters, Jesus says I can’t get in… 
  • The cost / consequence of needing to share my opinion or be heard only produces more doubt, fear, unbelief and death… 

Jeremiah 29:11-13 

The Promise sets us up to: 

  1. Call the best out in everyone Jesus puts in our path. 
  2. Call on God for others He puts in our path. 
  3. Call the truth out in everyone in our path. 


David’s character developed with greater grace toward others even after he had made horrible decisions in his life. At a time when God put people (Nathan) in his life to call the truth out to him. (2 Samuel 12:6-8)

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message?


Part 8: The Promise | My House My Rules?

The Promise

My House My Rules?


Date: 09 January 2022

Speaker: Duane Lowe

The statement “My House, My Rules” has been used to manipulate, control and or an excuse to discourage others from hanging out too long.



Jesus can’t hurt you; He can only love you!! 

  • It isn’t His desire that we seek His approval, He wants us to want to hang out with Him so He can SHOW us what is really happening and just how you can’t get enough of being around Him.
  • When we are His House, our portion is to maintain His identity as stewards of Grace and ministers of reconciliation.
    • (TPT) Gal. 5:18 But when you yield to the life of the Spirit, you will no longer be living under the law, but soaring above it!


HIS HOUSE, HIS RULES include very simple, light, restful and empowering accommodations. 


(TPT) Luke 23:34 

(TPT) 1 Corinthians 2:1 

(TPT) Romans 8:18 

What are 3 key ingredients that facilitate a life of fulfillment as a follower of Christ?

  1. Know that you belong to Him. (NLT) 1 Thessalonians 5:16 
  2. Know that you are a minister of reconciliation.  (TPT) 2 Corinthians 5:18 
  3. Know that you are a steward of God’s Grace.  (NKJV) 1 Peter 4:10 

If we aren’t led by the Spirit, we are still under the

(TPT) Galatians 5:16 

This is true spiritual warfare in action: 

(TPT) Galatians 5:19 

Why the gifts of the Spirit? 

(TPT) 1 Corinthians 12:1 

(NLT) 1 Cor. 12:3 S

(NLT) 1 Cor. 12:4 

(NIV) 1 Corinthians 14:25 

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message?


Part 9: The Promise | Resistance to walking in the spirit

The Promise

Resistance to Walking in the Spirit


Date: 23 January 2022

Speaker: Duane Lowe


The temptation to attempt to earn our place in Christ through achievement is ongoing. By achievement, I mean by knowledge gathering and acts of service is never ending until we resolve to embrace His achievement on our behalf:

(NIV) 1 Peter 4:7-11 

We should never be surprised or discouraged by resistance! Resistance is our training ground and evidence we’re growing and developing in our identity. 

Our #1 point of spiritual resistance we face daily is our association with the “lies” we ignorantly hold in our thinking and allow to remain in our lives as a stronghold. 

2 Corinthians 1:8 (NIV) 

(NLT) 1 Kings 19:1-4 

Four Choices Elijah made to Facilitate his resistance:

  1. Negative Self Talk; Faulty Thinking (Ruminating; Rehearsing negative thoughts that invade our minds) 

(TPT) Philippians 4:8-9 

2. Isolation

Ecclessiastes 4:12 

3. Led by His Emotions

4. The Comparison game (verifies “mental issues and illness” in one’s life)

Offense is another lie that will greatly hinder our walk in the Spirit. 

It’s a lie to entertain the idea that my battle is with other people. 

It’s so tempting to compare our miserable moments to the highlight reels of others around us. 

There is only one person that you need to please!

Galatians 1:10 (NIV) 

Four Things happened to Elijah when his eyes of Understanding were enlightened:

  1. Vision 

(TPT) 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 u

2. His presence and power

3. Poured his Heart out to God

(TPT) Matthew 11:28-29 

4. Took care of his health physically

If your spiritual walk with Jesus feels depressed or resisted in any way, go back to the last thing God said and TRUST Him. 


What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message.

Part 10: The Promise | The Weight Of The Name

The Promise 

The Weight of The Name


Date: 30 January 2022

Speaker: Duane Lowe


(NIV) Matthew 1:21 

  • He will save, not condemn His people. 
  • As a followers of Christ, who are baptized into the Name of Jesus, we represent His grace, reconciliation and salvation. 

(NLT) Colossians 3:16

As representatives of the Name, our hearts demonstrate Thanksgiving

(TPT) John 4:23–24 

  • Regardless of the circumstances we adore Him! 
  • It should be noted that Being Christ cannot be done apart from our willingness to receive “The Promise.” 

(NLT) 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Every moment has a “Truth” that facilitates “Fulfillment” in our lives! What is the truth about the moment you’re in presently?

  • For Adam, choosing the truth in the moment would have been to not eat
  • For Cain, choosing the truth would have been to love Abel
  • For Abram, he chose the truth and following God, looking for city
  • For Moses, choosing the truth was to speak to the rock
  • For Barnabas, choosing the truth was crying out to Jesus for his sight
  • For the Centurion, choosing the truth was asking Jesus to say the word.

When we host God’s Spirit and Truth in the moment, We’re in His name.

If I’m in prison to a lifestyle, addiction, or offense, the truth is I’ve chosen to be in prison simply because I refuse to allow Jesus to be my source. 


(TPT) Acts 2:37 

When we’re God’s resting place, His Kingdom can come, and He can demonstrate His dominion and authority in the earth. 

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message? 

What is the Holy Spirit saying about your next step? 


Part 11: The Promise | You Exist To Be His Expression

The Promise 

We Exist To Be His Expression


Date: 06 February 2022

Speaker: Duane Lowe


(NLT) 2 Cor. 11: 3-4; 13-15

(TPT) Hebrews 10:25

(TPT) John 4:23-24 

God Has a Need to Express Himself through us! 

Every moment has a “Truth” that facilitates “Fulfillment” in our lives.

(TPT) Acts 2:2-21,37-40 s

It’s seems as though God wants us to get used to different.

The Hebrew words translated as “praise” or “bless” have a deeper meaning than is conveyed in English. They instruct, command or imply the worshiper is to take specific physical action.

Biblical worship is expressed not only with our whole life (Romans 12:1), but with our whole body. The Biblical model presents corporate praise as a whole group activity. It has nothing to do with entertainment or putting on a show to attract seekers. It is intended for everyone to participate, not spectate.

Actions speak louder than words. Your outward expression actually reveals your heart attitude. Sometimes we don’t feel like worshiping and we have to consciously choose to praise.

Choosing to engage with God always changes our attitude. God promises to reward those who choose to draw near to him (James 4:8) Literally, choosing to praise God is a transformative experience, it renews your mind and gives the Holy Spirit liberty to express Himself through us.

Here are 10 significant Hebrew words for “praise” with the appropriate action and attitude.

  1. Shabach (Ps 145:4) Shout praise. Expresses confidence in God’s ability.
  2. Barach (Ps 95:6) Kneel, bless the Lord. Expresses humility.
  3. Yadah (Ps 63:1) The extended hand. Expresses gratitude, thankfulness and surrenders
  4. Towdah (Ps 50:23) The raised hand. Expresses adoration.
  5. Taqa (Ps 47:1) Clap, applaud. Expresses joy and victory.
  6. Hallal (Ps 148-150) Celebrate extravagantly. Root of the word “hallelujah” which means “praise (halla) to jah (God)”. Expresses joy, jubilation and celebration.
  7. Tehillah Ps 33:1 Singing scripture to instruct and encourage.
  8. Tephillah. (Ps 39:12) Prayer, often sung as intercession and petition.
  9. Kara (2 Sam 6:14) Dance. “David danced before the Lord with all his might.” Expresses joy and celebration.
  10. Zamar ( Ps 4 and 6, 7:17) Make music by striking the fingers on strings or parts of a musical instrument. When we play instrumentally to facilitate a holy atmosphere, it’s not just church cocktail music, it’s zamar.

Breaking free of our inhibitions and becoming more engaged worshipers allows the Holy Spirit to take lead and express Himself in a way that attracts others to be challenged or rather invites others to do the same.

Hands in our pockets or our arms crossed is not the body language modeled for Spirit led worship.

When God asks us to follow him and leave everything behind, it’s much like Genesis 45:20. He already knows ahead of time what our reservations will be, so he encourages us not to give it another thought. There’s nothing we can sacrifice that will compare to the blessings we’ll receive in exchange.

He will never push us to do something we aren’t willing to do. But if we’ll let him, he’ll remove every fear and show us our future from his perspective. 

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message? 


NXTgen Families!

We haven’t forgotten about our children! We look forward to partnering with you as you step into being pastor of your home. We are here to help you every step of the way.

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