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Unchained - Freedom Is Waiting


Freedom Is Waiting


Date: 21 August 2022

Speaker: Eric Atchison


What is the most offensive “F” word in the English language?


What Is Forgiveness?

  • Forgiveness: A conscious decision to tear up a legitimate debt you are owed
  • Choice, not a feeling; you will never FEEL like you want to forgive someone
  • Continuous process, not a one-time event; t’s a lifestyle
  • Forgiveness is ultimately a gift for YOU.  It may change their life, or have no impact on the person you are choosing to forgive at all, but you’re not doing it for them

What Forgiveness is NOT

  • It is NOT a license for offenders to continue walking all over you.  Unhealthy situations will require creating healthy boundaries (with God) to accompany your choice to forgive.

3 primary ways we react to offense/pain

  • Engage
    • Focus on the offense, tell everyone you know about how wronged you were, ruminate over and over on the pain
  • Escape
    • Avoid/numb the pain, run to alcohol/drugs/sex/money/fitness/isolation
  • Entrust
    • Carry the offense to the feet of Jesus

 How Do I Forgive?

  • Your pain is valid!!!!!  And God can handle it…
  • YOU can’t forgive; true forgiveness is only possible through the Holy Spirit
  • Kingdom principle: you can only give away what you have first received
  • God’s Heart – Holding out forgiveness in his hands, but you have to choose to reach up and take the gift

Daniel 9:9 

Psalm 103:12 

Ephesians 1:7 

1 John 1:9 


NXTgen Families!

We haven’t forgotten about our children! We look forward to partnering with you as you step into being pastor of your home. We are here to help you every step of the way.

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Prayer Request

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