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Vision Sunday 2023

Vision Sunday 2023


Date: 26 March 2023

Speaker: Duane Lowe



OUR VISION: We exist to lead people to experience FREEDOM through a new life in Christ and build HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS 

OUR PURPOSE: Receive the Promise. Experience Freedom. Change the World.

 OUR MISSION: Lost People found. Found people mentored. Mentored people equipped. Equipped people Engaged. 



    1. Family – Heavens Government is relational; a family made up of sons and daughters. We don’t relate through power or position, but through relationship because we are family in Christ. 
    2. Goodness of God – God is good regardless of our circumstances and, by nature He is in a good mood. He loves to pour out blessing and favor. His heart is loving kindness, and He is eager to show it! 
    3. Joy and Hope – Joy and hope are the fruit of good beliefs. Biblical joy creates strength, health & longevity. Our hope level determines our influence level. 
    4. Honor – Honor is seeing each other from Heaven’s perspective and interacting in the light of that truth. Honor is the foundation of healthy relationships. 
    5. Risk and Faith – Without faith, it’s impossible to please God, and the mystery of faith often looks like taking risk when we trust what God is saying. With appears to be risk, promotes growth. Because we’re under authority, we have authority.  
    6. Prophetic – The prophetic ministry reveals the heart of God, whether the present or the future. It invites us to respond and live life in the light of this fresh prophetic revelation. It strengthens, encourages, and comforts the body of Christ as we’re lead by the Holy Spirit. 
    7. Grace and Empowerment – Grace is Gods favor towards us based on who He created us to be, not on what we have done. Our agreement with grace is empowering, both us and those around us. Grace is the unearned kindness of God.  
    8. Valuing His Presence – God has designed us to live within His presence, constantly aware and continually experiencing Him in every aspect of life. 
    9. Releasing the Supernatural – The Book of Acts is the normal Christian life. Jesus promised signs would follow believers, and we would do even greater works than He. We are called and equipped to release the supernatural through us to others. 
    10. Salvation and Righteousness – Our salvation and righteousness are a gift of grace not just to us, but for us. We’ve been freely given all that we need to be kings, priest and friends of God. 
    11. Generosity – Generosity comes from overflow; as we realize God gives us all things abundantly, we release our prosperity to give it away to those in need. 
    12. Revelation and the Word – God speaks to us directly, through scripture and other Spirit led people. An attitude of gratitude and agreement with Him is what transforms us



NXTgen Families!

We haven’t forgotten about our children! We look forward to partnering with you as you step into being pastor of your home. We are here to help you every step of the way.

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