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Walking in Peace | Kingdom Responders in Action

Walking in Peace | Kingdom Responders in Action


Date: 26 May  2024

Speaker: Duane Lowe


Worship and intercession must go together; one is impossible without the other. Intercession means raising ourselves up to the point of getting the mind of Christ regarding the person for whom we are praying (Philippians 2:5).
• Are we worshiping God in a way that will raise us up to where we can take hold of Him, having such intimate contact with Him that we know His mind about the ones for whom we pray?
When we “WORSHIP,” four things happen:
1. We stop yielding to distractions.
2. We make ourselves available for Jesus to love others through us.
3. The work of intercession makes our relationships healthy.
4. Jesus now has a platform to work His miracles through us to others.
“These signs follow them that believe”, begin to manifest!
Before joy, weeping… 
Weeping may endure for… but joy comes… (Psalms 30:5)
Before power, devoted to the leading of the Spirit … 
And Jesus being full of the Holy Spirit and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness… and came out in power… (Luke 4:1; 14)
When we’re walking in Peace, we’re not just talking; we’ve stopped talking and we’re engaged and following the lead of the Holy Spirit passionately.

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message?

Walking in Peace | Kingdom Responders in Action Part 2

Walking in Peace | Kingdom Responders in Action

Part 2


Date: 2 June  2024

Speaker: Duane Lowe


If you and I truly want our Heavenly’s Father’s fingerprint all over what we put our hands to do together as His children; as His sons and daughters; as married couples, we must get over the idea that we’re here to please one another. 
We exist for His pleasure. We’re “who we are” to bring Him His due glory. Christ being formed in us means He has a plan to be gloried. He showed us how to accomplish this as the son who glorified the Father. 
Together, we (as children; married couples) serve one another by solely being consumed with passion to please Him! 
NIV 2 Corinthians 5:17-20
When we “WORSHIP,” four things happen:
1. We stop yielding to distractions. 
2. We make ourselves available for Jesus to love others through us. 
3. The work of intercession makes our relationships healthy.
4. Jesus has a platform to work His miracles through us to others.

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message?

NXTgen Families!

We haven’t forgotten about our children! We look forward to partnering with you as you step into being pastor of your home. We are here to help you every step of the way.

Ways to Give:

Text Message
Give.Church offers a new way to give as well! Text “Give” to phone number (210)941-2733 to give through mobile!

New Life Fellowship utilizes a giving platform through Kindrid at Give.Church. Click the button below to give a tithe or offering.

Prayer Request

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