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Part 1: Why Wouldn't You Go Out?

Why Wouldn’t You Go out?

Date: 23 May 2021

Speaker: Duane Lowe

Jesus invites us to Follow Him so that we can learn to: 

  1. Eventually only hear His voice
  2. Eventually only Know Him
  3. Eventually only talk His language – to Him and the world 

Regardless of where we are spirit, soul and body, Jesus is very focused on you; precisely where you are, and He’s monitoring every detail of your present condition and life. 

(NLT) John 10:2 

Jesus leads His followers: 

  1. Out 

          (NLT) John 10:4 

          (NLT) John10:14 

  • Jesus leads His followers Out:
    • To guide, feed and shield us.
  • Jesus is my shepherd:
    • He lets me REST: 
    • He provides PEACE:
    • He EMPOWERS me: 
    • He makes me RIGHTEOUS / Innocent / we qualify because we follow: 
    • He establishes my IDENTITY / for His glory: 
  • Jesus leads His followers:
    • To Know He’s with us as we face our greatest fears. 


2. To sit at a Table in the presence of your enemies. 

  • Jesus gave us an example in how he served Judas
  • We go through our darkest challenges so that we can: 
    • Celebrate our anointing among our enemies! 
    • What are we supposed to do with our enemies? Forgive and love them.
    • This is how the Kingdom of God is ushered in. This is how Jesus wins through us! 


3. To be anointed 

  • Our anointing happens while we’re forgiving and loving our enemies. 


4. Goodness, Mercy and unfailing Love will follow us

  • There’s no sound greater than a captive being set free! Let’s go to them! 


Just let Go!

Step into your identity

  • Get out
  • Face your fears
  • Join a small group
  • Join a Equip class


What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about this message?


NXTgen Families!

We haven’t forgotten about our children! We look forward to partnering with you as you step into being pastor of your home. We are here to help you every step of the way.

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Prayer Requests

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