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Y'all Independent?

Y’all Independent?


Date: 04 July 2021

Speaker: Duane Lowe


(NLT) Romans 8:31 .

None of us really know how powerful we are, unless we go with Him and watch Him happen through us.  Jesus has set us up in a world not subject to Him.

God designed us to 

  1. Receive the Spirit of His Kingdom
  2. Experience the empowering dominion and authority of His Kingdom
  3. And be Change agents in our world.

 We’ve been given everything we need operate in our identity in Christ. 

Jesus reveals three participles that support our oneness with Him in His Kingdom Mission.

  1. To Go
  2. To Baptize
  3. To Teach

(NLT) Matthew 28:18 


Three things happen as we take our place in the body of Christ:

  1. Failure and suffering make us. (Steppingstones to our identity in Christ; they’re opportunities) 

         (NIV) Hebrews 2:15 

2. Connect with others – we go together, baptize and teach

    (NLT) Ecclesiastes 4:9 

How do you know you’re running from relationships?

  • I self-protect and self-promote. 
  • In order to self-protect, I must separate myself from other relationships! 
    • This separation is called sin! 
  • God is not in His sweet spot in my life when I’m separating from others. 

3. We become One with Jesus… We See Jesus working…

     Regardless of what I’m going through, if I can see Jesus working through the trouble in front of me and the relationships in my path, I can easily win. 

We hinder faith at work in us when we allow: 

  1.  Guilt and shame
  2.  Self-protecting – Religious drama that says, “I’m not okay and it’s your fault.” 
  3.  Self-promoting – Need to be seen and recognized. 
  4.  And Introspection – Thinking to ourselves and being our own advisers… 


NXTgen Families!

We haven’t forgotten about our children! We look forward to partnering with you as you step into being pastor of your home. We are here to help you every step of the way.

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Prayer Requests

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